Debugging "RunTime Error'
I get a Pop-up Window that says: Just-In-Time Debugging Possible Debuggers: New Instance of Microsoft Script Editor Set the currently selected Debugger as the default Do you want to debug using the selected debugger/ Yes No At first I was afraid to click on anything then finally I clicked on yes but nothing happened. I need to figure out how to degugg and get rid of this. I've called to get help and no one can help me without charging a fee.2 people need an answerI do too
April 20th, 2010 7:29pm

Control Panel>Internet Options>Advanced. Put a checkmark in "Disable Script Debugging (Internet Explorer)" and "Disable Script Debugging (Others)". Apply/OK out. If that doesn't take care of the issue, in the Debugger itself: 1. Use the Tools menu and click Options. 2. In the Options dialog box, select the Debugging folder. 3. In the Debugging folder, select the Just-In-Time page. 4. In the "Enable Just-In-Time debugging of these types of code" box, clear the boxes next to Managed, Native, and Script*. Click OK. *On a client's computer with this problem I wasn't able to clear one of those items (don't remember which) but clearing the other two boxes took care of the issue.MS-MVP - Elephant Boy Computers - Don't Panic!
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April 21st, 2010 2:24pm

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